How Games Areas Help to Create ‘Sticky’ Campuses and Offices
The Workspace Consultants

How games areas can help to create ‘sticky’ campuses and offices

Increasingly, educational institutions are seeking to enhance the engagement of their students by creating what are now known as ‘sticky’ campuses.

What is meant by the term 'sticky'?

The concept behind a sticky campus is one of delivering a holistic approach to the student experience and improving their satisfaction, thereby encouraging them to be actively engaged when they’re on campus. This can be both academically and socially, and it’s in the latter area that games areas can make a considerable difference. In designing a campus where your students feel as though they really belong, you’re building a greater sense of community, and that can deliver excellent results in both academic achievement and social interaction. Rather than spending large periods in their rooms, students feel inspired to spend time together, not because they have to, but because they really want to.

A wellbeing strategy for the office

Similarly, the return to the office has heightened awareness of the need to create workspaces that promote employees’ health and wellbeing, and are in effect also ‘sticky’. This isn’t only because happy staff mean a happy – and profitable – business, but also because it’s just the right thing to do. And central to this wellbeing strategy is the concept of games areas where teams can debunk and play, relieving stress and creating deeper relationships. And as more and more businesses return fully to the office, demonstrating your commitment to your employees’ rest and relaxation by encouraging play is an ideal way to make your workspace sticky.

Games area featuring table football and table tennis

When it comes to games areas, the days of simply buying off-the-shelf solutions and putting them in an unused space are numbered, so where do you start? Our top ten tips should set you on the right track:

1 Make it fun

The goal of a games area is to enable everyone to set aside their day-to-day tasks and take their mind off study or work or for a while, so the feeling needs to be one of fun and escapism. If you’re able to allocate an entire room to play, the décor and colour scheme will likely need to be ‘on brand’ but it’s worth trying to incorporate a little creativity and imagination. And depending on the route you take with your games area, it may be advisable to look into soundproofing to avoid disturbing others who are trying to study or work.

2 Shoot some pool

It might be something of a cliché, but a pool table is a must. Redolent of pubs and bars, it’s been one of the go-to games room amenities for decades. As well as introducing a degree of competition, it also gives scope for a one-off tournament or an ongoing league to keep everyone engaged. There’s also the option of branding the table, the cues and/or the balls to make the look and feel unique to you.

3 Play ping pong

It’ll need more space than a pool table, but table tennis is a great way to take some gentle exercise and enjoy a break from your routine. Again, the table and equipment could be personalised with your branding to complete the look.

4 Head for the arcade

Whether it’s Space Invaders or Pacman, there’s nothing quite like a traditional arcade game to get the pulses racing. As well as providing hours of entertainment, a pre-loved arcade machine can become the statement piece in your games area, and you’ll likely have people queueing up to have a go!

5 Game online

Retro may not be for everyone, so you could opt for an Xbox or PlayStation. Most games have multiplayer options so it can be a great way of bringing people together, and you might even consider setting up a FIFA league…

6 Watch along together

Incorporating an Xbox or PlayStation also gives the option of subscribing to a streaming service so that groups can watch the latest series, sports events or even movies together.

7 Reach new heights

It’s not for everyone, and it requires a sizeable space, but another option is to install a climbing wall. A bouldering wall might be out of the question unless you can dedicate a very large area to it, but even a 10ft wall can give scope for exercise, and that’s eminently possible even in a modest games area.

8 Throw the dice

Another throw-back idea is to have a space available for traditional board games such as Monopoly, Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit. As there’s such a variety of board games on the market, why not shortlist a few and invite people to vote on their favourites?

9 Sing up!

Usually associated with a slightly rowdy night out, karaoke appears to be growing in popularity, especially as a way of rounding off a busy week of study or work. Rather than heading off to a local bar with all its associated costs, hosting a karaoke party can be a great way to break down barriers and enable everyone to show themselves in a whole new light.

10 Snack away

A finishing touch for your games area could be a vending machine or two. Whether it’s cereal bars or vegetable crisps, there are plenty of healthier options available, while the odd chocolate bar or fizzy drink taken in moderation can also be good for the soul.

Overall, budgets will vary, of course, but it’s possible to include some fun elements in even the smallest space. And it’s not just the games themselves as there’s also the potential to be creative with the flooring, lighting, furniture and planting. There’s also an increasing trend to rent games machines rather than purchase them outright, so that the offering to staff remains fresh. Specialist companies such as Corporate Amusement Services are leading the way in this area, and are supplying leading brands across the UK with machines, advice and ongoing support.

Get in touch

The Workspace Consultants specialise in office design and project management in Cambridge, London, and Manchester. If you’re looking to incorporate a games area into your space, call us on 01223 656111 or complete our enquiry form to book an initial discussion.

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