Furniture selection | Office furniture Cambridge, Manchester, London

Office Furniture in Cambridge, Manchester and London

Furniture selection is a fundamental part of the design process and often plays a vital role in the comfort and productivity of your employees.

As a team, we have been offering office furniture in Cambridge, Manchester and London for many years and there are not many manufacturers or UK suppliers that we have yet to hear about. We are well placed to help you through a potential mine field in variation of quality, service levels and aftercare.

As part of the design process, we will support you by presenting various products, with appropriate specifications, to support the design.

In conjunction with the selection, we provide you with a fully quantified and budgeted specification of furniture items including dimensions, manufacturer & finishes.

We will create a series of options to view the furniture at the showrooms, to discuss and agree a final selection.

Tender process with specialist furniture suppliers

Our business model has always been to provide our clients with independent advice and as such, our focus is to run a tender process with specialist furniture suppliers.

We use all our experience to ensure that you achieve the best deal available by avoiding multiple supplier margins. We may recommend, in some instances, that furniture should be procured directly from the manufacturer, and we will always identify the best route to procurement for our clients.

Our clients sometimes ask us if we can supply the furniture. The answer to this is yes, we can. We do have access to a wide range of furniture manufacturers and are happy to supply furniture on an open book basis at competitive prices.

It is always our client’s choice as to which direction to take. The only thing we will say is that if we are managing a tender process, we will not be involved in the supply of the furniture.

We are always expanding our awareness of the office furniture sector and regularly update our knowledge base to reflect innovation, research and development. This includes understanding provenance, sustainability, quality, and warranties.


‘The Workspace Consultants provided us with the complete package, right from concepts through to project management and furniture. So, ultimately, we were very pleased with everything.’
Graham Massie, Chief Operating Officer, CEDR

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A few of our suppliers

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  • Unit 1, Avenue Business Park
    Brockley Road
    Cambridge, CB23 4EY
  • Telephone 01223 656111



  • 1 Giltspur Street
    London, EC1A 9DD