Veolia - Projects | The Workspace Consultants

Project Details


  • Design
  • Workspace Consultancy
  • Client
  • Date
    June 2017
  • Info
    12,000 sq ft in London, N1

Veolia UK commissioned us to support them with the re-evaluation of the way they occupied their UK Head Office at 210 Pentonville Road. An impending and significant increase in rent and rates had galvanised the management team to research any reasonable options to support the reduction of floor space. We instigated a detailed information-gathering process to ensure all options supported actual business needs, including a significant two-week Time Utilisation Survey mapping how the space was being used by all staff. which identified average and peak occupancy rates for all departments, as well as mapping meeting room, breakout area and printer activity/occupancy.

A detailed report was provided and with average occupancy rates of 42% and peak rates at just 75% we suggested a layout supporting flexible working. The move from a traditional layout allowed the removal of superfluous workstations in favour of increased quantities of meeting spaces (both formal and informal) as well as quiet rooms and a spacious communal breakout area. It was agreed that desks would be provided for 80% of the headcount with lockers and hotboxes for all users.

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Veolia occupies high quality offices very close to Kings Cross Station, it is an important location for us because of its proximity to the Eurostar and our ability to reach our northern plants and depots. We were faced with a considerable problem because of extreme rises in rental values and of rateable costs. Regrettably, no immediate alternatives presented themselves to us within Central London so we approached Workspace to see what solutions might be possible. They approached the task with imagination, professionalism and a can-do attitude while producing results which are self-evident and which, despite initial nervousness from some, has brought about a much refreshed working atmosphere and very positive comments indeed from all of our staff. What a result.

Robert Hunt, Chief Corporate Officer and External Affairs Director

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  • Unit 1, Avenue Business Park
    Brockley Road
    Cambridge, CB23 4EY
  • Telephone 01223 656111



  • 1 Giltspur Street
    London, EC1A 9DD